
blue pattern

Praise for Leland Vall

Wonderful! The immediate restoration of my body.

Very helpful to understand the of the Alexander Technique. It’s the first time it has made sense.

I found it to be very interesting. Just the act of getting out of a chair became effortless and taught me that I didn’t need to use so much of my body.

Great, positive, upbeat introduction to the Alexander Technique. It renewed my approach to movement.

Great class! Thanks, it was a completely new concept for me.

It was a good reminder of how to use your body. The hand-on for each person allowed everyone to experience a new movement in the body.

It was refreshing to experience your approach to this methodology.

You are a bundle of energy, as a teacher! How great is that! You are clear and concise and give good info in a short time. Thanks!

Very helpful. This helps my lower back.

I am very interested in this and would definitely like to have a more in-depth experience.

Enlightening and relaxing; made me feel peaceful and more physically self-aware.

Body coordination and balance is essential for conductors.

Great! Really helped my back and I will practice!

It was very interesting and informative. I learned to be more aware of the way I stand.

Gained a greater awareness of how I use my body and how I can free it more.

Great workshop, really helped me gain a better awareness of my body.

Good pacing. Clear presentation of the concepts.

It made me more aware of my movement and gave me something to think about.