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Improving posture and movement.
Change how you view your body.
Short, specific tips with thought provoking illustrations.
Some examples:
Think of your body as a spring or an archer’s bow. The more the ends of the bow are pulled together, the more they try to go apart.
Softening the back of the neck will allow the head to rise as it releases from the top of the spine. Avoid pulling the chin down.
Remember, the head is not part of the spine. Release the head from the top of the spine so that the spine can point.
The tendency to retract the head down and back is a common habit that shortens the spine, causes discomfort, and impedes movement. Allowing the neck to soften so the that the head can rise gives more room to the spine and offers greater comfort and easier movement. The concept of allowing the head to rise so that the spine can lengthen is also a central tenet of the Alexander Technique.