Tip 33 – Inhibition and Direction in the Alexander Technique

What to avoid and what to do. In the Alexander Technique, Inhibition and Direction work together to help you change habits.

sitting and thinking directions diagram

Try the above and you will see that it completely changes the way you get into a chair. Read the red text, and then the green (over and over as you go). But it\’s not a mantra, you have to really listen to what you are saying. To review how we got here, visit the Tips on Inhibition and Direction. And in the next Tip, find out how this one exercise can reduce excess tension in everything you do, all day long.  I know, hard to believe.

More Alexander Technique Theory

Video: The Chair Is Incidental

Objects are Incidental in the Alexander Technique

Direction and the Alexander Technique

Video: What Is Direction in the Alexander Technique?

Inhibition and the Alexander Technique

Video: What Is Inhibition in the Alexander Technique?

What’s Wrong with Using Your Hands?


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