Tip 65 – Video: To Rise More Easily from a Chair, Go Up

To rise more easily from a chair, go up and not down.

This video comes from a lot of different tips, but mostly Tip 16 where you can see a commonly reproduced Alexander influenced drawing. Clarifying our relationship with the chair, as well as the difference between up and down, are fundamental concerns of the Alexander Technique.

And here are a few more tips on going up.

Avoid Pulling Down in Order to Go Up

Bending Forward? Use Your Hip Joints

Improve Computer Posture

Alexander Technique in the New York Times Sit Up Straight, Your Back Thanks You


There are more resources available on the Free Your Neck Blog. Please write your requests in the comment section.

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2 thoughts on “Tip 65 – Video: To Rise More Easily from a Chair, Go Up”

  1. extension to the comment1:

    head forward and up :::::: my experience showed me that the forward postion of the
    head we cant imagine in the space.
    if you think of the chin position or direction in space, with relative to the back of the torso, we may sense the exact position of the head and neck like
    wether it is forward and down? or
    wether it is backward and down? or
    wether it is backward and up? or
    wether it is braced to spine ( down and down) ?


    wether it is reliable sensory appreciation with forward and up?

    i think this may help to sense the head and neck parts in space more or less.
    this is just my opinion may be correct or wrong.

    any body can comment on this post.

    thank you.

  2. sir, good tip this one.
    my notice shows in the vedio,

    while raising up from the chair?
    neck free
    head forward and up
    back lengthen and widens:::: release the abdomen and lower abdomen with out compressing the spine, lengthen the pelvis not pelvic tuck,raise the front part of the chest but not back part of the thoracic chest,
    legs releases away from torso::: release knees, lenthen the calf muscles , and toes lengthen
    shoulder releases out to the side ::: shoulder blade not pulls the neck down but goes to side, lattissimus dorsi movement increases towards blade of the shoulder,
    triceps are active by releasing the fingers releases.

    thank you.

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