Tip 11 – Dynamic Opposition in Your Body

Proper use of the body is marked by dynamic oppositional relationships.

Dynamic Opposition

There is more here than just standing up straight.  The head goes forward and up in relation to the torso going back and up. Visit the links below to see how this idea impacts movement as well as posture.

More on Dynamic Opposition:

Stability and Posture

Seated Bending, Lead with Your Head

For Bending, Keep Your Head Away from Your Heels

Video: While Looking Up, Don\’t Pull Down

Be Like Roger Federer


A Robert Rickover Podcast: How the Alexander Technique Can Help Musicians


There are more resources available on the Free Your Neck Blog. Please write your requests in the comment section.

Buy The Secret to Using Your Body

Secret to Using Your Body Book Cover

9 thoughts on “Tip 11 – Dynamic Opposition in Your Body”

  1. I’m really enjoying your tips and also have the book. On balance when upright, I have a query. I’m ok walking but it is when standing of just moving that I lose my balance. I’m 83 and I guess I should be focusing on my movements, but that is practically impossible in daily life. Any suggestions on how to improve my balance?

    1. Thanks for your comment. I’m not really an expert on balance, but I think you can practice it maybe by just standing on one leg. As for your comment on the “impossibility” of paying attention to yourself in daily life, you might think of reconsidering that idea because that attention is close to the basis of the Alexander Technique. A lot of Alexander is about choosing to pause before responding to a stimulus. This pause leaves some time to possibly make a better decision both in what your are going to do and also how you are going to do it.

  2. Pingback: Look Poised and Confident | Wilder Presentations

  3. Pingback: Look Poised and Confident | Wilder Presentations

  4. some thing about primary control(copied from net)…………….

    In the section on respiratory re-education Alexander talks about
    a “proper knowledge and practical employment of the true primary
    movement in each and every act”. The reference is slightly
    elliptical. Could you explain what he means?
    Yes, the head has to go up. If the support of the body-weight is
    the first requirement then the second is that the energy to support
    the weight has to go in an upwards direction.

  5. What is pelvis?
    Ans@ pelvis is combination of the hips, sitting bones,sacrum joint, hip socket joint,coccyyx, pubic bone joint ( all are sub-parts ).

  6. Prevent the length of head to thoratic curve, by keeping head forward and UP
    secure this length not collapsing by other mechanisms by preventing the other mechanisms with stimulus activities like sit,walk ,bend etc.

  7. Prevent the length of head to thoratic curve, by keeping head forward and secure this length not collapsing by other mechanisms by preventing them with stimulus like sit,walk etc.

  8. good images.
    good directions.
    easy to understand.
    its really easily notable good vs bad directions in these photos.
    good conscious work, great.

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