Tip 34 – Objects are Incidental in the Alexander Technique

The chair (and most other objects) is incidental to the movement.

standing to sit diagram

This tip follows up on previous tip’s promise. The above series of images shows that the chair does not have to be an integral part of the movement we generally call \”sitting\”. The less you focus on the chair, the more you establish your own body\’s natural and easy integrity throughout the movement. Generally, people focus too much on the tools we use (notice yourself using your computer right now) at the expense of our own integrity. That is a major cause of excess tension. Experimenting with the exercise described in these last few tips on Inhibition and Direction can lead you toward discovering your body\’s natural integrity so that you can reduce excess tension in everything you do.  There\’s not really much to do, it\’s just getting into and out of a chair as if you are not doing it.  There is a video of this at the top of the list below.

More Alexander Technique Theory

Video: The Chair Is Incidental

Inhibition and Direction in the Alexander Technique

Direction and the Alexander Technique

Video: What Is Direction in the Alexander Technique?

Inhibition and the Alexander Technique

Video: What Is Inhibition in the Alexander Technique?

What’s Wrong with Using Your Hands?


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