Tip 37 – Use Your Knees When Bending Even Less

Bend your knees even for bending hardly at all.

use your knees while bending diagram

This is the third tip in a row on bending. For reaching all the way to the floor or only to a table, in the Alexander Technique it\’s always the same.  Remain standing over your feet and bend at the hips, knees and ankles. Avoid bending at the waist or upper back. The back is strongest and feels the best when you maintain its full length. Check out the previous Tip, and the one before that.

The Whole Bending Category (All on bending, but each a little different.)

Video: Your Waist Is Not a Joint

Bending, Leave Your Hips behind Your Legs

Think of Your Body As a Wave

Bend at Your Hips, Knees and Ankles to Touch the Floor

Use Your Knees When Bending a Little

Reach with Your Arms, Not Your Back

Think Up when Bending Down

Video: Think Up when Bending Down

When Bending, Keep Your Head away from Your Heels

Video: When Bending Keep Your Head away from Your Heels

Finding Your Hip Joints

Article & Video: Three Tips for Bending


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