Tip 43 – Avoid Gasping Before Speaking

Avoid gasping before speaking.

Avoid Gasping before speaking

This tip can be difficult because it deals with examining the very intimate habits of breath and speech, but it’s a practical example for the previous tip on gasping.

People often take a short gasping breath before speaking. Try it and see. This gasp before speaking is usually unnecessary (for actors, it can get in the way of reacting) and contributes to the false sense of a need for another breath. Try saying a few words without a preparatory gasp, your regular breath will follow as it is needed.

More Breathing Tips and Resources:

Audio: Alexander Breathing Exercise

Avoid Gasping

Gasping Causes Neck Tension

Breath as Ocean Waves

Enjoy Your Exhale

The Ribs Hang

Over Thinking and Habit


There are more resources available on the Free Your Neck Blog. Please write your requests in the comment section.

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