Tip 32 – \”Direction\” and the Alexander Technique

To Direct in the Alexander Technique is, roughly, to give yourself conscious orders that replace a habitual way of doing something. It is the second Alexander step for breaking old habits and establishing new habits.

Direction diagram

The previous Tip (Tip 31) is about Inhibition, but once you stop the old way, you need a new way. Direction is the collection of orders that you give yourself in order to do something in a new way and also create new habits. It is important to remember that although Inhibition and Direction are different, they can only work as a pair. More on that in the next Tip. There is also a video of this at Tip 81.

More Alexander Technique Theory

Video: What Is Direction in the Alexander Technique?

Inhibition and the Alexander Technique

Video: What Is Inhibition in the Alexander Technique?

Inhibition and Direction in the Alexander Technique

Objects are Incidental in the Alexander Technique

Video: The Chair Is Incidental

What’s Wrong with Using Your Hands?


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