Tip 31 – \”Inhibition\” and the Alexander Technique

To \”Inhibit\” in the Alexander Technique means, roughly, to do something as if you are not doing it. It is the first Alexander step for breaking habits.

Inhibition diagram

To change a habitual way of doing something, Alexander suggests that first we refuse to do that thing. This stopping gives you a moment to think and try something new. If you can continue bending your knees far enough while thinking there is no chair, you will end up in the chair in a totally different way, and without every intending to sit.

 More Alexander Technique Theory

Video: What Is Inhibition in the Alexander Technique?

Direction and the Alexander Technique

Video: What Is Direction in the Alexander Technique?

Inhibition and Direction in the Alexander Technique

Objects are Incidental in the Alexander Technique

Video: The Chair Is Incidental

What’s Wrong with Using Your Hands?


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