Tip 10.5 – Balance and the Alexander Technique

To improve balance, think Up and Down, not side to side.

Elephant balancing on a ball

Balance is an intrinsic sense and, unless you are dizzy or having trouble determining which way is up, you can improve your ability to properly respond to what your sense of balance tells you. You might be surprised at how quickly you can improve your balance simply by changing how you think about it.

diagram standing on one foot


Stand up and point one finger as high as you can. Continuing to point your finger, lift your opposite knee until your thigh is parallel to the ground (or as close to that as you can), while also allowing your foot to hang directly under your raised knee (see the image to the right). Try to make the tip of your finger and the bottom of your standing foot be as far away from each other as you can. If you feel unsteady, just put your foot down and then try again.  Most people find that simultaneously thinking up and down makes it easier to maintain balance.

More on Balance

To Improve Balance, Reduce Neck Tension

Video – Walk with More Stability and Power


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