Tip 41 – Head and Torso

Avoid putting your torso in front of your head.

Head-Back Comparison

This tip  looks at the three previous tips from a different perspective. In the previous tips (38, 39, 40), the above images were used to explores the problem of reaching with the torso instead of the arms. But the exact same problem can also be described as the torso pushing in front of the head. In general, you will feel better if you leave your torso behind your head.

More on Your Head & Torso

Lying Down Exercise

Video: While Looking Up, Don’t Pull Down

Video: When Walking, Lead with the Crown of Your Head

Video: When Bending, Keep Your Head Away from Your Heels

Video: Improve Computer Posture

Video: Proper Head Position

Neck Tension and Balance

Isaiah Mustafa (the Old Spice guy)

Katharine Hepburn


There are more resources available on the Free Your Neck Blog. Please write your requests in the comment section.

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