Tip 44 – Gasping Causes Neck Tension

Gasping also causes excess neck tension.

Gasping diagram

One more tip to follow up on gasping.

Gasping can also cause excess neck tension. Try it. Gently place your hand on the back of your neck and take a quick breath. Then try allowing your breath to arrive without pulling it in and see if you feel a difference. People gasp more than they realize, but learning to allow your breath to arrive on it\’s own time, instead of rushing it, can reduce neck tension.

More Breathing Tips and Resources:

Audio: Alexander Breathing Exercise

Avoid Gasping

Avoid Gasping before Speaking

Breath as Ocean Waves

Enjoy Your Exhale

The Ribs Hang

Over Thinking and Habit


There are more resources available on the Free Your Neck Blog. Please write your requests in the comment section.

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