Tip 16 – Avoid Pulling Down to Go Up

Avoid pulling down in order to go up.

Pulling Down diagram

This is a complicated image with a lot of arrows, think of the figures as displaying the moment of rising from the chair. The figure on the left displays excessive tension while pulling the torso down in order to rise. This is a common habit and also a classic example of poor body use.  The figure on the right displays less tension by rising without pulling down. If you pay close attention as you try this, you might be able to feel how you pull your body in different directions, especially in your lower back and neck, as you attempt to rise from the chair.

More on Pulling Down

Video: Don’t Pull Down While Looking Up

Video: Rise More Easily from a Chair

Video: Think Up when Bending Down

Point Your Spine when Bending Forward

Use Your Knees Even when Bending a Little


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